
Interesting stairs

Nowadays, people would like to use lifts instead of using stairs because lifts are more convenient and timesaving, for disabled, they have to use lifts. However, for most people, stairs can save energy, also it can help to fitness during our daily time.
I saw a video in one of my courses. At the beginning of this video, it showed that in metro passageway, most people chose to use lifts, few people would go upstairs by stairs. Then, some people redeveloped this stair into a piano, which influenced people’s behavior. People noticed that when they go upstairs by the stair, it can make a sound like piano, so more and more people would like to use stairs.

There is another interesting stair. The bookcases stair which is designed by Italian designers Sundaymoring, Massimo and Fiorido Associati. This stair is designed like a bookcase so people can read books during they go upstairs.

It is obvious that a funny stair can catch people’s attention and attract them to use stairs instead of lifts. This would meet the demand of energy conservation, also benefits people’s health and build a healthy habit. Good design of stairs could as a decorate to beautify indoor living environment. Moreover, it can contribute to extra amenities as well as make a happy and harmonious living environment.

